53 min Read

Since the Cannabis Act went into effect on 17 October 2018, many governmental and provincial sectors continuously propose changes related to the use, possession, and distribution of weed products. Because the Great White North is divided into provinces and territories, it’s important to understand how certain cannabis laws apply to the specific regions. What can I expect weed-wise while living or visiting Toronto?

Recreational Marijuana in Toronto explained.

While looking at the applicable rules and regulations pertaining to marijuana use in Toronto, we need to consider the entire Ontario province, as Toronto is the capital city of Ontario. The laws regarding cannabis are quite similar to alcohol and tobacco consumption in Ontario, so let’s take a closer look at the most frequently asked questions by marijuana enthusiasts.

Who can buy and possess marijuana in Toronto?

Anyone who is 19 years of age or older can purchase, possess, share (free of charge!), and consume recreational weed in Toronto. However, when distributing marijuana among friends, make sure they are of legal age since hosting a cannabis party with minors is a criminal offense. 

Where can I get my hands on premium and legal weed?

While the black market still functions across the country, weed can be obtained legally only through licensed and regulated retailers. Since cannabis contamination is illegal and punishable by law, getting a premium quality product that is safe for use can only be achieved through legitimate means, such as local cannabis dispensaries or Ontario Cannabis Store – the only legal online retailer. Buying weed from unauthorized street dealers not only poses health risks but is also federally prohibited. 

How much cannabis can I purchase in Toronto?

You can purchase and possess 30 grams of dried weed or the equivalent amount of other cannabis products, such as edibles, oils, tinctures, or liquids. Keep in mind that 30 grams of dried cannabis equals 150 grams of fresh leaves, 2,100 grams of its liquid or oil form, or 30 marijuana plant seeds. If you are visiting Toronto, do not plan on taking your purchase back to your country, as doing so can have tremendous legal consequences.

Where can I smoke or consume weed?

You can use your cannabis in a private residence, such as your own home, along with the included outdoor property. You can also smoke weed in an apartment, condominium, or balcony, depending on your lease agreement. Numerous outdoor public places, such as sidewalks or parks, allow for recreational marijuana use. However, cannabis consumption is strictly prohibited in workplaces, assisted living facilities, retirement homes, school areas, playgrounds, cars, public transportation, or restaurants (indoor and outdoor). If you fail to comply with the regulations, you may face up to 1,000 dollars for the first offense. 

Can I grow my own marijuana?

If you are planning on cultivating your own cannabis from the comfort of your Toronto home, you can do so with up to four plants per residential dwelling – indoor and outdoor. You must be 19 years or older and cannot sell the grown and harvested marijuana to outside parties. Keep your plants away from children and pets at all times.